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Nourished Life Retreat

An annual opportunity to spend two nights away during the final months of school, the NLR provides a place for reflection and refocus as you transition out of one year and into planning for the next.


Rich in the philosophy of Charlotte Mason and the grace and purposes of Christ, sessions and workshops help you celebrate areas your homeschool is strong, understand where and why aspects aren't working, and give you courage to try or add subjects or habits you've avoided. 


The NLR aims to balance instruction with rest, connection with reflection, grace with courage. Come immerse yourself in the gentle yet robust community of homeschooling CM parents. You'll be pleasantly surprised by how much you receive and how much you're able to bless and encourage others with the experience and wisdom you didn't know was inside you.


Information and notifications about the NLR are sent out via email​, so if you're not already receiving our updates and newsletters, go to the Contact Page and sign up. All information will also be available on this webpage. 

Canby Grove.jpg

This year we are delighted to return to the beautiful forests and facilities in Canby, OR. We hope you'll mark your calendars for the weekend of May 16-18, 2025 and plan to join us for all the fresh air, fresh ideas, and fresh connecting that will be in ample supply. 


As our team begins to assemble the content, speakers and schedule, we'll begin posting those details here and emailing out announcements. Make this weekend a trip for your whole co-op, book study, or nature group and use the driving time and some of the planned down time during the retreat to discuss the ideas presented and align yourselves around the CM philosophy and the goals of your group.

Past Weekend Retreats

This portion of the site is still under construction...

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